Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Getting Berried Away

During last weeks dyeing marathon, I got very carried away with the home made colours and decided to berry dye a piece of fabric I had laid out ready for the coffee treatment.

The harvest is already done, but there are still some late fruit and low hanging bits that I was able to scrounge out of the garden. First, blackcurrants:

Then a few Loganberries:

A number of Raspberries:

 And a whole bunch of Redcurrants:

After picking a good two handfuls of fruit, I folded them into the fabric....


I squashed and squashed until my hands were also stained pink and purple. I liked how there were different colour variations all the way through from the different berries.

After baking, it turned out a pretty graduated pink!

With my other dyed pieces, ready to be made into something....

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