Monday, 10 August 2015

Fun Day's Family Tutoring!

After more than a month spent living out of a 70L backpack in the wastes of Asia (or gorgeous rural Thailand, whichever) it was so nice to be back and surrounded by gorgeous fabrics again. Not that I didn't pick up any gorgeousness abroad, oh no sir, but that will have to wait.

My lovely little cousin came over for her first "lesson" into sewing with me and my mum, but since the upstairs room isn't going to paint itself, the job fell to me. I was pleased as punch though, I mean, having a whole day to just sew and play with buttons is exactly what I'd hope to be doing anyway!

We only had a short time, and as I didn't want to scare her off from the world of paper-piecing and jelly roll envy, I showed her a starter book and let her pick her favourite project.

So we made felt mice!

My cousin's is called Ketchup, because it resembles a pink ketchup packet.
After finishing the mice, I asked her what she would like to do next, and she showed me her own design for a mouse bed made out of some patchwork piecing and felt sheets. I was very impressed, and they turned out really well!

Look at the sweet macaroon fabric either side of the blue, isn't it just so cute? Well I'm the luckiest because she gave me a large piece of it for my stash! It's great that she has such good taste already, I can show her my favourite fabric haunts...
You'll see something made from those macaroons on here soon, trust me. I smell a doll coming on....

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