Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Rules of Quilting that probably shouldn't have been broken

Many a year ago, I had grand plans (as you do) to create a one of a kind quilt project which told the story of a fairytale through innovative new ideas and ways of quilting. The other examples of said project are also posted on here, but I was slightly less embarrassed about those so posted them first.

This is the protagonist of the fairytale story, whom I sketched onto a piece of yellow silky fabric. I then painted her in, and gave her a gold glittery outline because I was feeling particularly tacky that day. What inspired this weird (and slightly pervy) back-angle was the idea of using a new skein of red embroidery thread which, when bought, was tied in a bundle which reminded me of hair so I had to find a way of using it as such.

The perversion doesn't stop there, because you can actually undress the quilt-girl.

She has a blue slip, a blue lacy petticoat and a blue velvet gown. they are only secured on one side, so you can flip through her outfit layers like one of those anatomical model books. I wanted to use as many fun and interesting fabrics as possible, as well as showing her beautiful clothes and give it a tactile element. However it turned out rather voyeuristic and creepy. Still, nothing ventured nothing gained, eh?

Still, 3D and tactility are both something I think could be really interesting to explore in quilts. A story book quilt that a child could read like a bedtime story maybe?
P.S. Off for a brief sojourn in Asia so there won't be any updates until August!

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